紐西蘭 Haakaa 多彩手掌型牙膠
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紐西蘭 Haakaa 多彩手掌型牙膠

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SKU: PALM 分類 , Tag:

. 繽紛安撫小手以獨特的繽紛手指造型吸引好奇寶貝的目光。
. 手掌圓環設計,容易抓握的同時更幫助刺激寶貝小小手指的肌肉群,讓抓握練習變得簡單輕鬆。
. 手指指頭部分帶有凸起設計,每個指頭凸起花紋各不相同。給與好奇寶貝們最強的觸感刺激,益於大腦發育。
. 柔軟矽膠材質一體成型,可抓可咬,安全又可愛。
. 安撫寶貝的同時,以視覺,觸覺,抓握練習三方面同時提供大腦發育所需的溫柔刺激。

. 手掌圓環設計容易抓握
. 繽紛色彩輕鬆吸引寶貝注意力
. 產品不含人工色素
. 不含BPA, PVC, 鄰苯二酸鉀
. 由100%食品級矽膠製成

. 請使用溫和清洗濟清潔本產品
. 本產品耐高溫,可蒸汽消毒,水煮消毒,微波爐消毒鍋消毒。
. 請勿使用含漂白成分的清潔用品清洗本產品
. 請勿長時間浸泡於消毒藥水/清潔濟當中
. 請勿使用紫外線照射消毒。

. 本產品非玩具類。
. 請務必在成人監護下給與幼兒玩耍安撫使用。
. 請勿放置幼兒單獨使用本產品。
. 請勿於入睡時將本產品留置於幼兒口中。

. The Palm Silicone Teether is sized just right for little ones starting to teeth.
. It’s to easy hold shape and soft silicone teething parts are thin enough to fit in your babies mouth while still providing relief.
. Chuck them in the freezer also to provide added relief to those little aching gums!
. Our specially designed baby teething rings are BPA free, FDA approved and made from pliable food-grade silicone.
. Silicone is a hypoallergenic and non pours material making it safe for teething.
. The special ridge-design helps develop your babies motor and play skills while providing safe, soothing relief from aching gums and new teeth.
. BPA, PVC and Phthalates free.
. No artificial colours.
. Designed to help teething babies with itching and sore gums.
. Made from 100% food grade silicone.
. Easy to hold.
. Super soft and flexible.
. Boil to sterilize.
. Clean after each use. This product can be sterilised with any steam sterilising system or boiling water.
. No bleach based agents.

. Check condition regularly – replace if product shows signs of damage.
. Infants to be supervised at all times and please do not use this product for any other use other than its intended one.

Haakaa Palm Teethers are a Patented Design. Patents numbers below.
. ZL201630505407.X

#嬰兒牙膠 #牙齒咬環 #咬牙器 #BB牙膠玩具 #牙膠 #固齒器 #乳齒訓練器 #BB牙膠 #無BPA #牙膠 #玩具牙膠
#繽紛安撫小手 #矽膠牙膠
#Teether #Palm Silicone Teether




