. 木製轉轉積木,每個元件都是為幼兒設計,最適合小手翻轉抓握。
. 共有26個英文字母及0到9阿拉伯數字。
. 數字方塊和背面對應的物品數量,讓幼兒自然有數和量的概念。
. 背面圖案第一個字母就是正面的字母喔 !
. 認識字母與數字:正面共有26個英文字母及0到9阿拉伯數字
. 圖案對應:背面有單字與數量圖案,學習有圖為證
. 特殊槓桿設計:不管怎麼翻,最後都會翻回正面
. 學習競賽:2人以上,指定字母,搶答唸出背面的單字,再翻牌看答案
. 親子共玩:家長陪同指導,學習力加倍!
. 家飾品:顏色柔和,做工精緻,靜置時的也是獨特的設計家飾
. 原廠嚴格品管:木質厚實,精緻打磨
. 無毒水性塗料:安全.安心
. 尺寸:24 x 10 x 30 cm
. 建議年齡: 3 至 6 歲
. A magnificent alphabet English abacus to help with teaching letters and numbers to small children.
. Older children will learn to read, write and count! Behind each letter, there is a picture starting with the letter (e.g. A for ‘’Apple’’, B for Ball, etc).
. The letters are in upper and lower case, making learning the alphabet real child’s play!
. Its highly ergonomic design is ideal to develop coordination for little hands.
. Alphabet abacus with educational value, which, with your help, will lead your child to imagine, invent and create words every day.
. Gender: Mixed
. Material: Wood
. Dimensions: 24 x 10 x 30 cm
. Recommended age: 3 to 6 years
#兒童玩具 #小童玩具 #幼稚園面試玩具 #幼稚園玩具
#Children Toys
#Baby Forest ABC Abacus Toy