得獎產品2合1 奶瓶蒸氣消毒烘乾機: 只需38分鐘便可有效消毒及烘乾奶瓶!
Turbo Pure 的專利及創新科技設計,確保這個容易操作的流線型設備來能有效進行滅菌和烘乾。
. 確保嬰兒奶瓶在淨化的環境中保持衛生
. 只需8分鐘完成消毒,可有效消滅抵抗力強的細菌(99%)和消除牛奶中難聞的氣味和鈣殘留物
. 淨化“純烘乾”功能,可防止瓶子受潮並消滅99%的空氣傳播污染物,例如塵蟎,過敏原,某些病毒和黴菌
. 3個烘乾時間可供選擇30, 45 或60分鐘 可因應物件數量及時間限制
. 可用作收納盒,可保持物件在24小時內儲存於已淨化的環境中
. 可拆除的支架,適合放置奶瓶 吸奶器配件 餐具及塑膠玩具等
. 附有”All in one”循環或手動功能可選擇,方便使用
. 附有2個HEPA過濾片 (每6個月更換一次)
. 除垢警示
. 自動關機功能
. 附有觸感式按鈕的LCD 控制版面
. 保證不含BPA
. 淨化烘乾功能
– Turbo Pure噴出的95°C天然蒸氣可有效消滅抵抗力強的細菌(99%)和消除牛奶中難聞的氣味和鈣殘留物。蒸氣噴嘴支架 (深綠色) 可拆除,容易方置不同尺寸的奶瓶及配件在設備內。您可以放置到6個奶瓶,吸奶器配件,奶嘴及其他適合消毒的配件。附有的”All-in-one”的消毒烘乾功能,可於同一個環境有效清潔和烘乾物件的核心,這可減低或排除外間的交叉感染的風險。
. HEPA淨化過濾片
– 熱風經過HEPA淨化過濾片滲入奶瓶物件中,可消滅99%的空氣傳播污染物,例如塵蟎,過敏原,某些病毒和黴菌。這是一個最安全,衛生的方法來烘乾您寶寶已消毒的奶瓶,奶嘴及其他配件。可消除空氣中的濕氣和污染物(99%)。您寶寶的奶瓶便可隨時使用及仍保留所有消毒的好處。HEPA淨化過濾片需每6個月更換。Turbo Pure隨附備用過濾片。
. 收納在衛生的環境中:在24小時內,您寶寶的奶瓶和配件可以在Turbo Pure內仍然保持衛生(無濕氣或受外來污染物的危險)。
. LCD控制板面
– ”All-in-one”按鈕功能輕鬆使用,只需38分鐘即可運行一個完整的循環!您亦可從控制板面上的按鈕選擇消毒及烘乾功能。簡單選擇所需的功能。
Award-winning 2-in-1 Steriliser and dryer: Sterilise and dry baby bottles to the core in 38 minutes!
Turbo Pure uses patented, innovative technology to guarantee the most efficient sterilising and drying cycle yet – in one easy to use streamlined unit.
. Baby bottles are completely hygienic in an ultra-purified environment
. Sterilises in 8 minutes, eliminating even the most resistant bacteria (99%), and attacks unpleasant odours and calcium build-ups from milk
. Purifying ‘Pure Drying’ function to protect bottles from humidity and eliminate 99% of airborne pollutants such as dust mites, allergens, certain viruses and mould
. 3 drying cycles in a purified environment: 30, 45 or 60 mins – this will depend on amount drying at once and time allowance
. Practical storage unit within a purified environment for 24 hours
. Universal with removable steam arms for baby bottles, breast pumps, tableware, plastic toys etc
. Easy to use with an ‘all-in-one’ cycle, or manual function selection
. Includes 2 HEPA filters (to be changed every 6 months)
. Limescale build-up alert
. Automatic cut-off
. LCD control screen with tactile buttons
. Guaranteed BPA-free
. Pure Drying Function
– 95°C natural steam emitted by Turbo Pure eliminates even the most resistant bacteria (99%), odours and calcium build-ups from milk. The steam arms (dark green) are removable, enabling a variety of bottle and accessories to fit inside easily. You can add up to 6 baby bottles as well as a breast pump, teats and other accessories compatible with sterilisation. Thanks to the all-in-one cycle including sterilsing and drying, all of your essentials are cleaned and dried to the core without transfer which means little or no risk of outside contamination.
. HEPA Filter
– Hot air forced deep into the bottles are purified of bacteria, dust mites and other allergens via the HEPA filter. This is the safest, most hygienic way to dry your baby bottles, teats and other accessories after sterilisation. Any humidity and pollutants contained in the air are eliminated (99%). Your baby bottles are ready to use and retain all the benefits of sterilisation. The HEPA filter can be easily changed every 6 months. The Turbo Pure comes supplied with a spare filter.
. Storage within a hygienic environment: Your baby bottles and accessories can be stored within the hygienic environment of the Turbo Pure for 24 hours (no risk of humidity or external pollutants).
. LCD screen
– The ‘all-in-one’ buttom function is easily activated and allows you to run a complete cycle in just 38 minutes! The control panel also allows you to run the sterilisation and drying cycles independently too. Simply select the cycle you want.
#奶瓶消毒 #消毒鍋 #消毒㷛 #烚奶機 #奶樽蒸氣消毒 #奶煲 #奶瓶消毒器 #烘乾鍋 #烘乾機 #烘乾器 #蒸鍋
#Sterilizer & Dryer #Steam Sterilizer