. 輕微的不適很容易對您的寶寶造成困擾:腹絞,倒流,鼻子阻塞…放鬆 – Babymoov的Cosydream+ 助眠墊正是您所需要的! Cosydream+ 的形狀設計模仿寶寶身型相似及附有的安全帶,可讓您的寶寶舒適地躺著。
. 15度的傾斜,可保持寶寶呼吸道通暢並減少倒流。亦可幫助消化,使用可調節的雪豆填充定位墊將寶寶的小腿抬高。這個“抱膝姿勢”保持嬰兒定位,並讓他們想起在媽媽的子宮中度過的9個月。另一個特色 – Cosydream(+) 的頭枕設計亦模仿寶寶頭型。這減低了患有扁平頭綜合症的風險。設計時要考慮到嬰兒的體形,選擇柔軟和透氣的物料……所有的都是由身為父母的品牌建立者共同創造及認可。
. 給寶寶在仰睡時,最佳的安全
. 15度的傾斜: 幫助寶寶呼吸更順暢,鼻及口沒有被阻擋
. 防滑落設計: 可跟據寶寶的身型來調節雪豆填充定位墊
. 頭枕可確保壓力均勻分佈於孩子的頭部,減低斜頭(扁平頭)
. 柔軟物料及記憶海棉
. 透氣的物料
. 可於30°水溫清洗
. Cosydream+ 是Cosydream的升級版,15度的傾斜給寶寶最大的舒適度及支撐。
. 尺寸:60 x 41 x 17厘米 (+/- 2%)
. 可於30°水溫清洗
Why Will You and Your Little One Love The Cozydream Plus?
. Your baby can easily be disturbed by minor complaints: colic, regurgitation, blocked nose…Relax – Babymoov’s Cosydream Plus lounger is just what you need! With its anatomical shape and support belt, the Cosydream Plus keeps your baby comfortably on its.
. Tilted at an angle of 15°, it keeps your baby’s airways clear and reduces regurgitation. And to aid digestion, the adjustable microbead-filled positioning roll raises your little one’s legs. This “tuck position” keeps babies in place and reminds them of their nine months in their mom’s womb. And there’s another special feature – the Cosydream(+) includes an anatomical headrest. This reduces the risk of flat head syndrome. Designed with your baby’s body shape in mind, a choice of soft and breathable materials… everything has been created and approved with our co-creator parents.
. Provides optimal safety for baby when he/she is lying on his/her back
. 15° incline: Helps baby breathe better, the nose and mouth aren’t obstructed
. Anti-slip system: adjustable microbead positioning roll adjustable according to baby’s size
. Head pillow reduce the chance of plagiocephaly (flat head) by spreading pressure evenly across baby’s skull
. Soft fabric and shape memory-foam
. Breathable materials
. Removable washable covers at 30°
. The Cosydream + is a new version of the Cosydream that provides the same great comfort and support for baby with a 15° incline in addition.
Technical details
. Dimensions:60 x 41 x 17cm (+/-2%)
. Washable at 30°
#防翻身 #防轉身 #防側翻枕 #睡姿定型枕 #糾正扁頭專用枕 #固定枕 #固定墊 #睡墊 #睡眠墊 #BB睡墊 #嬰兒睡墊
#Babymoov – Cosydream+ Newborn Sleeping Positioner [Provides optimum head and back support]
#Cosydream Plus