法國 Babymoov 2合1奶樽蒸氣消毒機
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法國 Babymoov 2合1奶樽蒸氣消毒機

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. 方便清潔奶瓶內壁!
. 第一個奶瓶消毒鍋可變身為奶瓶乾架!此奶瓶蒸氣消毒鍋的容量大,可同時消毒6個奶瓶。
. 創新的主體設計及周邊小支架上的蒸氣噴嘴,可完全消毒整個奶瓶,不輪是內或外。
. 容易使用,消毒過程只需10分鐘。

. 主體上的蒸氣噴嘴會噴出10分鐘蒸氣,確保消毒鍋內的奶瓶是完全消毒。
. 拆除小支架設計,增加空間,讓您可消毒其他物件 (如吸奶器的配件或食物儲存碗…)
. 2合1功能:可變身為乾架
. 當消毒完成後,會發出聲音警示。自動關機功能,更慳電!
. 附有的量杯,幫助您量度消毒過程中所需的水量
. 空間大,可讓您同時消毒6個奶瓶

. 蓋及托盤:PP
. 產品尺寸:25 x 27 x 35cm
. 550W

Babymoov 2-IN-1 Turbo Steam Sterilizer

Cleans to the core!
The first 2-in-1 sterilizer that transforms into a bottle dryer rack! The Turbo Steam sterilizer has a large capacity, capably cleaning up to 6 bottles at a time. The innovative central structure and surrounding stems, feature unique steam outlet nozzles, fully sterilizing the entire bottle, both inside and out. Easy to use, taking just 10 minutes to sterilize.

The 1st sterilizer to sterilise the core of the bottle!
– Steam outlets from main trunk (10 min.) ensures even thorough sterilization in the appliance
– Thanks to the removable arms, you can modulate the space to sterilize other kinds of products (such as breast pumps’ accessories, or jars…)
– 2 in 1: becomes a bottle dryer rack
– A sound alarm will warn you when your bottles are ready, and the automatic shutdown will prevent you from consuming energy uselessly!
– A measuring cup is included to measure the right quantity of water
– Its huge capacity allows you to sterilize 6 bottles at the same time

Technical Features
– PP: lid and trays
– Dimensions: 25 x 27 x 35 cm (+/- 2%)
– 550 W

#奶瓶消毒 #消毒鍋 #消毒㷛 #烚奶機 #奶樽蒸氣消毒 #奶煲 #奶瓶消毒器
#Steam Sterilizer #Milk Bottle Sterilizer




